File Find Functions

File Find Functions

FileFindAttr Get attributes of a file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()
FileFindDate Get date of a file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()
FileFindFirst Searches for files by name and attribute
FileFindName Get name of a file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()
FileFindNext Searches next file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()
FileFindSize Get size of a file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()
FileFindTime Get time of a file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext()



Searches for files by name and attribute and get file properties

Syntax :

      FileFindFirst( <cFileNameMask>, @<pFFindInfo>[, <nAttr> ] ) -> <lFound>
      FileFindNext(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <lFound>
      FileFindName(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <cFileName>
      FileFindAttr(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <nAttr>
      FileFindSize(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <nSize>
      FileFindDate(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <dDate>
      FileFindTime(  <pFFindInfo> ) -> <cTime>


<cFileNameMask> : A file name including its path and drive designation. It may contain wildcards.

<pFFindInfo> : A pointer for an internal data structure to hold file(s) info

<nAttr> : The file attribute that corresponds to the ones described in the table on the next page. The default value is 0.

         Coding the File Attribute
         Value Symb. constants        Assigned attribute
         ----------- ---------------- -----------------------------------
             0       FA_NORMAL
             1       FA_READONLY      READ ONLY (Read-only)
             2       FA_HIDDEN        HIDDEN (Hidden files)
             4       FA_SYSTEM        SYSTEM (System files)
             8       FA_VOLUME        VOLUME (Name of a floppy/hard disk)
            16       FA_DIRECTORY     DIR (Directory)
            32       FA_ARCHIVE       ARCHIVE (Changes since last backup)


<lFound> : A logical value indicate file existence

<cFileName> : Name of file found by FileFindFirst() or FileFindNext() (without drive/dir)

<nAttr> : A numeric value indicate attribute info of file

<nSize> : A numeric value indicate size of file

<dDate> : A date value indicate date of file

<cTime> : A character value indicate time of file (as “HH:MM:SS”)


FileFindXxxx functions provides a set of info on a set of file.

Calling first FileFindFirst() build an internal data structure ( probably an array like returned by Directory() ). And then calling other FileFindXxxx functions returns individual file info for last file found.

This function set look like FileSeek() function. For more info look at it.


Internal Data Buffer : Every FileFindXxxx() function uses internal data structure <pFFindInfo>. For further using this variable should be passed by reference in FileFindFirst(). May be useful release this buffer by go out of scope or be explicitly release by freeing <pFFindInfo> variable a way like this:

<pFFindInfo> := NIL


      PROC TestFFs()
         LOCAL pFFInfo
         LOCAL nFileNo := 0
         LOCAL lContinue := FileFindFirst( '*.*', @pFFInfo )

         WHIL lContinue
            ? PAD( ++nFileNo, 3),;
              PAD( FileFindName( pFFInfo ), 23 ),;
                   FileFindAttr( pFFInfo ),;
                   FileFindSize( pFFInfo ),;
                   FileFindDate( pFFInfo ),;
                   FileFindTime( pFFInfo )
            lContinue := FileFindNext( pFFInfo )

         RETU // TestFFs()


Directory(), FileSeek(), FileAttr(), FileDate(), FileSize(), FileTime(), HB_FileMatch()