Grigory Filatov

Contributed works of Grigory Filatov

Adaptation FiveWin TsBrowse class
Color Table
Center Window’s Title
Closes application when no activity
Copy Protection (Get BIOS Name)

Get list of all controls

GIF animation demo



Suspend program processing until a key is pressed


      WAIT [<expPrompt>] [TO <idVar>]


<expPrompt> is an expression of any data type displayed as a prompt. If no <expPrompt> is specified, the default prompt displayed is: “Press any key to continue…”

TO <idVar> is the variable, of any storage class, that holds the value of the key pressed as a character value. If <idVar> does not exist or is not visible, it is created as a private variable and then assigned the character value.


WAIT is a console command and wait state that displays a prompt after sending a carriage return/line feed to the screen. It then waits for the user to press a key. If the TO clause is specified, <idVar> is assigned the keystroke as a character value. If an Alt or Ctrl key is pressed, WAIT assigns CHR(0) to <idVar>. Non-alphanumeric values entered by pressing an Alt-keypad combination assign the specified character. If the character can be displayed, it is echoed to the screen. Function keys are ignored unless assigned with SET FUNCTION or SET KEY.

WAIT is a compatibility command and, therefore, is not recommended for general usage. It is superseded by both @…GET/READ and INKEY() for getting single character input.


. WAITing without a prompt: To pause execution without displaying a prompt, specify WAIT, null string (“”), or INKEY(0). The latter is recommended since it does not disturb the current screen cursor position.


      .  This example illustrates how to store the WAIT keystroke as an
         array element:

      aVar := ARRAY(6)

      WAIT "Press a key..." TO aVar[1]
      ? aVar[1]                  // Result: key pressed in
                                 // response to WAIT
      ? aVar[2]                  // Result: NIL
      ? VALTYPE(aVar)            // Result: A
      ? VALTYPE(aVar[1])         // Result: C





Activate a format when READ is executed


      SET FORMAT TO [<idProcedure>[.<ext>]]


TO <idProcedure> is a format (.fmt) file, a program (.prg) file, or a procedure.

<ext> is the extension of the format file. If not specified, the default extension is (.fmt).

SET FORMAT TO with no argument deactivates the current format.


SET FORMAT defines a procedure to execute when a READ is invoked. Unlike the interpreted environment, formats are not opened and executed at runtime. Instead, the Harbour compiler treats SET FORMAT the same as a DO command. The compiler first looks to see whether it has already compiled a procedure with the same name as <idProcedure>. If it has, it uses that procedure for the reference. If <idProcedure> is not found, the compiler looks to disk for a file with the same name. If this file is not found, an external reference is generated that must be resolved at link time.

SET FORMAT is a compatibility command and not recommended.


. Active format procedures: Unlike other dialects where each work area can have an active format, Harbour supports only one active format procedure for all work areas.

. Screen CLEARing: Harbour does not clear the screen when a format procedure is executed.

. Legal statements: Format procedures allow statements and commands in addition to @…SAY and @…GET.

. Multiple pages: Harbour does not support multiple-page format procedures.


      .  This example uses a format procedure to add records to a
         database file until the user presses Esc:

      USE Sales NEW
      SET FORMAT TO SalesScr
      DO WHILE LASTKEY() != 27

      PROCEDURE SalesScr
         @ 12, 12 SAY "Branch     : " GET  Branch
         @ 13, 12 SAY "Salesman   : " GET  Salesman





Toggle the message display from READ or MEMOEDIT()


      SET SCOREBOARD ON | off | <xlToggle>


ON allows the display of messages from READ and MEMOEDIT() on line zero of the screen.

OFF suppresses these messages.

<xlToggle> is a logical expression that must be enclosed in parentheses. A value of true (.T.) is the same as ON, and a value of false (.F.) is the same as OFF.


SET SCOREBOARD controls whether or not messages from READ and MEMOEDIT() display on line zero. When SCOREBOARD is ON, READ displays messages for RANGE errors, invalid dates, and insert status. MEMOEDIT() displays an abort query message and the insert status.

To suppress the automatic display of these messages, SET SCOREBOARD OFF.





Toggle or define GET delimiters


      SET DELIMITERS on | OFF | <xlToggle>
      SET DELIMITERS TO [<cDelimiters> | DEFAULT]


ON displays delimiters for GET variables.

OFF suppresses the delimiter display.

<xlToggle> is a logical expression that must be enclosed in parentheses. A value of true (.T.) is the same as ON, and a value of false (.F.) is the same as OFF.

TO <cDelimiters> defines a one or two character delimiter. Specifying a single character uses the same character as both the beginning and ending delimiter. Specifying two characters uses the first as the beginning delimiter and the second as the ending delimiter.

TO DEFAULT or no delimiters SETs the delimiters to colons which are the default delimiters.


SET DELIMITERS is a dual purpose command that both defines characters used to delimit GETs and toggles the automatic display of delimiters ON or OFF. The @…GET command can display delimiters that surround a Get object’s display. If DELIMITERS is ON, the delimiters add two characters to the length of the Get object display.

You can configure the delimiter characters using the TO <cDelimiters> clause. The DEFAULT delimiter character is the colon (:). When specifying delimiters, the beginning and ending delimiter characters can be different. If you wish to suppress either the right, left, or both delimiters, use a space instead of the delimiter character.

Typically, delimiters are unnecessary since GETs display in reverse video or enhanced color if INTENSITY is ON.


      .  This example SETs DELIMITERS TO a colon and a space for the
         first GET and the square bracket characters for the second:

      LOCAL cVar := SPACE(5), cVar2 := SPACE(5)

      @ 1, 0 SAY "Enter" GET cVar
      @ 2, 0 SAY "Enter" GET cVar2





Toggle required exit key to terminate GETs


      SET CONFIRM on | OFF | <xlToggle>


ON requires the user to press an exit key to leave a GET.

OFF allows the user to leave a GET by typing past the end without pressing an exit key.

<xlToggle> is a logical expression that must be enclosed in parentheses. A value of true (.T.) is the same as ON, and a value of false (.F.) is the same as OFF.


SET CONFIRM determines whether an exit key is required to leave a GET. If CONFIRM is OFF, the user can type past the end of a GET and the cursor will move to the next GET, if there is one. If there is not another GET, the READ terminates. If, however, CONFIRM is ON, an exit key must be pressed to leave the current GET.

In all cases, attempting to leave the current GET executes the RANGE or VALID clauses, unless the user presses the Esc key. See @…GET for more information on the behavior of GETs.





Define screen colors


      SET COLOR | COLOUR TO [[<standard>]
            [,<enhanced>] [,<border>] [,<background>]
            [,<unselected>]] | (<cColorString>)


<standard> is the color that paints all console, full-screen, and interface commands and functions when displaying to the screen. This includes commands such as @…PROMPT, @…SAY, and ?; as well as functions such as ACHOICE(), DBEDIT(), and MEMOEDIT().

<enhanced> is the color that paints highlighted displays. This includes GETs with INTENSITY ON, the MENU TO, DBEDIT(), and ACHOICE() selection highlight.

<border> is the color that paints the area around the screen that cannot be written to.

<background> is not currently supported by any machines for which Computer Associates provides drivers. This setting is supplied for compatibility purposes only.

<unselected> is a color pair that provides input focus by displaying the current GET in the enhanced color while other GETs are displayed in this color.

<cColorString> is a character string enclosed in parentheses containing the color settings. This facility lets you specify the color settings as an expression in place of a literal string or macro variable.

SET COLOR TO with no argument restores the default colors to W/N, N/W, N, N, N/W.


SET COLOR, a command synonym for the SETCOLOR() function, defines colors for subsequent screen painting activity. Each SET COLOR command specifies a list of color settings for the five types of screen painting activity. Each setting is a foreground and background color pair separated by the slash (/) character. Foreground defines the color of characters displayed on the screen. Background defines the color displayed behind the character. Spaces and nondisplay characters display as background only.

In addition to color, a foreground setting can have an attribute, high intensity or blinking. With a monochrome display, high intensity enhances brightness of painted text. With a color display, high intensity changes the hue of the specified color making it a different color. For example, N displays foreground text as black where N+ displays the same text as gray. High intensity is denoted by +. The blinking attribute causes the foreground text to flash on and off at a rapid interval. Blinking is denoted with *. An attribute character can occur anywhere in a setting, but is always applied to the foreground color regardless where it occurs.

Each color can be specified using either a letter or a number, but numbers and letters cannot be mixed within a setting. Note that numbers are supplied for compatibility purposes and are not recommended.

All settings are optional. If a setting is skipped, its previous value is retained with only new values set. Skipping a foreground or background color within a setting sets the color to black.

The following colors are supported:

         Color Table
         Color          Letter    Number  Monochrome
         Black          N, Space  0       Black
         Blue           B         1       Underline
         Green          G         2       White
         Cyan           BG        3       White
         Red            R         4       White
         Magenta        RB        5       White
         Brown          GR        6       White
         White          W         7       White
         Gray           N+        8       Black
         Bright Blue    B+        9       Bright Underline
         Bright Green   G+        10      Bright White
         Bright Cyan    BG+       11      Bright White
         Bright Red     R+        12      Bright White
         Bright Magenta RB+       13      Bright White
         Yellow         GR+       14      Bright White
         Bright White   W+        15      Bright White
         Black          U                 Underline
         Inverse Video  I                 Inverse Video
         Blank          X                 Blank

SET COLOR is a compatibility command and is not recommended. It is superseded by the SETCOLOR() function which can return the current color as well as set a new color.


. Monochrome monitors: Color is not supported on monochrome monitors. Clipper, however, supports the monochrome attributes inverse video (I) and underlining (U).

. Screen drivers: SET COLOR TO, using numbers, may not be supported by screen drivers other than the default screen driver.


      .  This example uses the unselected setting to make the current
         GET red on white while the rest are black on white:

          cColor:= "W/N,R/W,,,N/W"
          SET COLOR TO (cColor)
          cOne := cTwo := SPACE(10)
          @ 1, 1 SAY "Enter One: " GET cOne
          @ 2, 1 SAY "Enter Two: " GET cTwo

       .  In this example a user-defined function gets a password from
          the user using the blank (X) enhanced setting to hide the password as
          the user types:

          IF !DialogPassWord(12, 13, "W+/N", "FUNSUN", 3)
             ? "Sorry, your password failed"

          FUNCTION DialogPassWord( nRow, nCol, ;
                 cStandard, cPassword, nTries )
             LOCAL nCount := 1, cColor := SETCOLOR()
             SET COLOR TO (cStandard + ", X")      // Blank input
             DO WHILE nCount < nTries
                cUserEntry:= SPACE(6)
                @ nRow, nCol SAY  "Enter password: " GET ;
                IF LASTKEY() == 27
                   SET COLOR TO (cColor)
                   RETURN .F.

                ELSEIF cUserEntry == cPassword
                   SET COLOR TO (cColor)
                   RETURN .T.
             SET COLOR TO (cColor)
             RETURN .F.





Activate full-screen editing mode using Get objects


      READ [SAVE] [MENU <oMenu>] [MSG AT <nRow>, <nLeft>,
             <nRight>] [MSG COLOR <cColorString>]


SAVE retains the contents of the current GetList after the READ terminates. Later, you can edit the same Get objects by issuing another READ. If not specified, the current GetList is assigned an empty array deleting all of the previous Get objects when the READ terminates.

MENU <oMenu> specifies an optional Topbarmenu object that, when supplied, permits menu selection during data entry.

MSG AT <nMsgRow>, <nMsgLeft>, <nMsgRight> specify the row, left, and right margins where the Get object messages appear on the screen. If omitted, messages will not appear.

MSG COLOR <cMsgColor> defines the color setting of the message area. It consists of a single foreground/background color pair.


READ executes a full-screen editing mode using all Get objects created and added to the current GetList since the most recent CLEAR, CLEAR GETS, CLEAR ALL or READ commands. If there is a format procedure active, READ executes that procedure before entering the full-screen editing mode.

Within a READ, the user can edit the buffer of each Get object as well as move from one Get object to another. Before the user can enter a Get object, control passes to the associated WHEN <lPreCondition> if one has been assigned to that Get object. If <lPreCondition> returns true (.T.), the user is allowed to edit the buffer of the Get object. Otherwise, control passes to the next Get object in the GetList. Within a GET buffer, the user can edit using the full complement of editing and navigation keys. See the tables below.

When the user presses a GET exit key, control passes to the associated RANGE or VALID postcondition if one has been specified. If either condition returns true (.T.), editing of the Get object is terminated and control passes to the next Get object. Otherwise, control remains within the current Get object until a valid value is entered or the user presses the Esc key.

When the user successfully enters a value into a Get object, the associated variable is assigned the value of the Get object’s buffer.

The following tables list active keys within a READ:

      READ Navigation Keys
      Key                           Action
      Left arrow, Ctrl+S            Character left. Does not move cursor to
                                    previous GET.
      Right arrow, Ctrl+D           Character right.  Does not move cursor to
                                    next GET.
      Ctrl+Left arrow, Ctrl+A       Word left.
      Ctrl+Right arrow, Ctrl+F      Word right.
      Up arrow, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+E   Previous GET.
      Down arrow, Tab, Ctrl+X,      Return, Ctrl+M Next GET.
      Home                          First character of GET.
      End                           Last character of GET.
      Ctrl+Home                     Beginning of first GET.

      READ Editing Keys
      Key                 Action
      Del, Ctrl+G         Delete character at cursor position
      Backspace, Ctrl+H   Destructive backspace
      Ctrl+T              Delete word right
      Ctrl+Y              Delete from cursor position to end of GET
      Ctrl+U              Restore current GET to original value

      READ Toggle Keys
      Key            Action
      Ins, Ctrl+V    Toggle insert mode

      READ Exit Keys
      Key                           Action
      Ctrl+W, Ctrl+C, PgUp, PgDn    Terminate READ saving current GET
      Return, Ctrl+M                Terminate READ from last GET
      Esc                           Terminate READ without saving current GET
      Up arrow                      Terminate READ from first GET if
      Down arrow                    Terminate READ from last GET if


. Nested READs: To perform a nested READ within a SET KEY, VALID, or WHEN procedure or user-defined function, declare or create a new GetList, perform a series of @…GET statements, and then READ. When the procedure terminates, the new GetList is released and the previous GetList becomes visible again. See the example below.

. Quick keys: Pressing Home or End in quick succession goes to the first or last nonblank character in a Get object’s buffer.

. Terminating a READ: A READ is terminated by executing a BREAK, CLEAR, CLEAR GETS, or CLEAR ALL from within a SET KEY procedure or a user-defined function initiated by VALID.

. UPDATED(): If any Get object buffer was changed during the current READ, UPDATED() is set to true (.T.).


      .  This example defines several GETs then READs them:

      cVar1 := cVar2 := cVar3 := SPACE(10)
      @ 10, 10 SAY "Variable one:" GET cVar1 VALID ;
      @ 11, 10 SAY "Variable two:" GET cVar2 ;
               WHEN RTRIM(cVar1) !=  "One"
      @ 12, 10 SAY "Variable three:" GET cVar3 VALID ;

      .  This example performs a nested READ within a SET KEY, WHEN, or
         VALID procedure or user-defined function:

      LOCAL cName := SPACE(10)
      @ 10, 10 GET cName VALID SubForm( cName )

      FUNCTION SubForm( cLookup )
         LOCAL GetList := {}         // Create new GetList
         USE Sales INDEX Salesman NEW
         SEEK cLookup
         IF FOUND()
            @ 15, 10 GET Salesman    // Add Get objects to
            @ 16, 10 GET Amount      // new GetList
            READ                     // READ from new GetList
         CLOSE Sales
         RETURN .T.                  // Release new GetList





Release Get objects from the current GetList array




CLEAR GETS explicitly releases all Get objects in the current and visible GetList array, and terminates the calling READ, releasing any remaining objects in the calling READ, if executed within a SET KEY procedure or a user-defined function invoked by a VALID clause. CLEAR GETS releases Get objects by assigning an empty array to the variable GetList. GetList is the name of the variable used to hold an array of Get objects for subsequent READ commands. There are two other mechanisms that automatically release Get objects: CLEAR specified without the SCREEN clause, and READ specified without the SAVE clause.

CLEAR GETS has two basic uses. First, it can be used to terminate a READ from a SET KEY procedure or VALID user-defined function. Second, it can be used to delete Get objects from the GetList array when you have not executed a READ or you have saved the Get objects by using READ SAVE.





Place keyboard input into a memory variable


      ACCEPT [<expPrompt>] TO <idVar>


<expPrompt> is an optional prompt displayed before the input area. The prompt can be an expression of any data type.

<idVar> is the variable that will hold input from the keyboard. If the specified <idVar> does not exist or is not visible, a private variable is created.


ACCEPT is a console command and wait state that takes input from the keyboard and assigns it as a character string to the specified variable. When ACCEPT is executed, it first performs a carriage return/linefeed, displays the prompt, and then begins taking characters from the keyboard at the first character position following the prompt. You may input up to 255 characters. When input reaches the edge of the screen, as defined by MAXCOL(), the cursor moves to the next line.

ACCEPT supports only two editing keys: Backspace and Return. Esc is not supported. Backspace deletes the last character typed. Return confirms entry and is the only key that can terminate an ACCEPT. If Return is the only key pressed, ACCEPT assigns a null value (“”) to <idVar>.


      .  This example uses ACCEPT to get keyboard input from the user:
      LOCAL cVar
      ACCEPT "Enter a value: " TO cVar
      IF cVar == ""
         ? "User pressed Return"
         ? "User input:", cVar
